--> 電子零件膠帶
A. For production processes of electronic components with lead pins
1. Thermosetting crape paper adhesive tape
a NO.746
b NO.746P
c NO.756T
d NO.746RN
e NO.746RM
f NO.746RK
g NO.7464
h NO.746HA
2. Thermosetting paper adhesive tape
a NO.741
B.For shipment of radial electronic components: NO.744 Series
1. Crape paper adhesive tapes
a NO.744
b NO.744S
c NO.744ET

C.For production and shipment of axial electronic components: NO.749 Series
1. Flat paper adhesive tapes
a NO.749BN
b NO.749BT
2. Semi-crape paper adhesive tape
a NO.749E
D.For masking of metallized capacitors
1. Crape heat-bonding adhesive tapes
a NO.7440
b NO.7442